On the farm - CMH Holidays

Celtic Memories Holidays
Celtic Memories Holidays
Celtic Memories Farm
Celtic Memories Holidays
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On the farm

Wild Life
Irish Hare
We see hares in the autumn 3 weeks before summer. Usually young ones the mum visits daily to keep tabs on. Sometimes you can get close to them if very young, but wow these guys can shift with speed.

We get 2-3 each year on the farm.
Hares boxing
Boxing hares
We get a lot these birds nesting close by. Sometimes they raid the chicken coup for eggs or eat the food put down in the chicken run.

They love shiny stuff.. its true!  We get things taken buy them like insulation or nails.
These guys behave similar to Pine Martens but are often seen in the daytime as well as night. They like to break into coups and steel the eggs to eat and will kill all that are in the coup.

Rats and small rodents are on their food list also. In the winter the rats and mice come into buildings for a few months which also brings in the Mink.  
A very elegant bird  often close buy in long grass or hiding in the bush line.

Pine martens
Very common out here but  not always easy to spot as they come out late evening and mostly at night.

With sharp teeth, strong claws and a taste for blood you have to keep your little pets and live stock in at night. Pine Martens don't kill just to eat, they kill for fun and pleasure, so if they get into a chicken or Geese coup every bird will die.
Wood pigeon
The largest and most common pigeon, the Wood pigeon is largely grey with a white neck patch and white wing patches, clearly visible in flight. Although shy in the countryside we often see them close buy in trees calling out.

Found on the farm through most of the year in surrounding trees and pine woods.

Pine Marten
Wood Pigeon
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